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General information:

Pap smear, also known as RAP test, is a standard screening procedure in the prevention of cervical cancer. By observation under a microscope, the method detects cells with altered morphology taken from the cervical mucosa.

There are two types of smear depending on the method of processing:

  • The conventional smear test (Conventional smear test) - the material taken is applied directly with the brush on the microscopic glass. A disadvantage of this method is that the epithelial cells can be covered with blood, mucus or piled up on top of each other, making their observation difficult.
  • Method of liquid-based cytology (Liquid based cytology- LBC) - in this method, the cellular material is initially placed in a liquid environment and during the subsequent centrifugation, the cells are evenly distributed on the microscope slide. This provides a clearer picture under microscopic observation and a more reliable diagnosis. The composition of the liquid transport medium helps to better preserve cell integrity and morphology.

The most suitable period for examination is in the days after menstruation (10 - 14 days). Two days before the test it is necessary to avoid: sexual contacts, lubricants, vaginal washes /vaginal douche, vaginal contraceptives, vaginal globules/.

A high-risk papilloma (HR - HPV) carrier test is performed by detecting the viral DNA with a highly specific PCR method in cells from the mucous membrane of the cervix.

Advanced testing for papillomaviruses by detection of viral DNA with a highly specific PCR method in cervical mucosal cells.

The test simultaneously types low-risk genotypes: 6, 11, 44 and high-risk: 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82.

Genotyped types (16,18) are found in 70% of cervical carcinoma cases.

Sample required:

Cervical secretion: (transport medium for LBC + HPV). The cervical brush should be immersed in the medium. Store and transport at (2-8°C) up to 24 hours.

Conditions for taking: The material is taken by a specialist doctor. Special medium and brush for the test are obtained from Laborexpress 2000.

Key words:

papilloma viruses, liquid-base cytology



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