Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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23.00 BGN

General information:

Megaloblastic anemias – it refers to a deficiency of Vit B12 and/or folic acid with disorders in DNA synthesis and in the maturation of the nuclei of the cells of the red line with the appearance of megaloblasts (megalocytes).
Vit B12 = Extrinsic factor – supplied to the body through food: liver, meat, milk, eggs and Intrinsic factor – a glycoprotein formed by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa (absolutely necessary for the resorption of Vit B12). Resorption takes place in the terminal ileum. In plasma, it binds to transcobalamins and is transported to: liver, bone marrow and other rapidly proliferating tissues. Normally, about 2mg of Vit.B12 are stored in the liver, and another 2mg outside it. This depot is sufficient to cover the body's needs for a period of 3 years if the import is completely stopped, because the half-life of Vit B12 is long - up to 750 days, and the daily needs are minimal - 5mg per day.

Sample required:

Venous blood in morning in fasting

Key words:

Vitamin B12, total




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