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General information:

Quantiferon test for tuberculosis (QuantiFERON -TB-Gold)

In Laborexpress 2000 we offer QIAGEN and DiaSorin combined test for tuberculosis diagnosis. The test is automated, with minimal human intervention and subjectivity.

QIAGEN's QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus Blood Collection Tubes are specialized vacuum containers for blood collection. 4 tubes are taken from each patient (each one is different). Changes during incubation are analyzed by chemiluminescence analysis on DiaSorin LIAISON latest generation systems (FDA approved and CE-marked). The patient result is integrated by special software.

The test is the latest, 4th generation development for latent and acute tuberculosis.

What is this test?

Similar to Mantoux, but with the difference that it is done in vitro in a test tube.

The difference between the two tests is that the quantiferon test is much more specific and sensitive than the Mantoux test and can distinguish tuberculosis disease from BCG immunization. It is very important in the phase when a person does not excrete tubercle bacilli and his disease cannot be proven microbiologically. And this is an indication that a person is really infected with tuberculosis and developing a tuberculosis infection process. It is important in the phase of latent tuberculosis as well as tuberculosis that is outside the lungs.

It's a blood test, right?

- Yes, it is a blood test. The result is available within 48 hours.

Is it suitable for children?

- Yes, it is suitable for children

A diagnostic problem is still adults, where the problem is to distinguish latent tuberculosis, because all adults are immunized with BCG and the Mantoux test for them is not specific enough.

Is this test suitable for families where there has already been one TB patient?

Contact people should be monitored because they may develop tuberculosis. Quantiferon test is very suitable in such cases. In this way, those persons who have latent tuberculosis will be found and who can be prevented from getting a real disease.

Can people, when in doubt, voluntarily take this test?

In general yes. The study is not covered by the NHIF.

From Laborexpress 2000 we advise for a reason to do . In addition, the results of the test must be read by a specialist doctor (pulmonologist, phthisiologist, ENT).


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