Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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22.90 BGN

General information:

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis within the day!
In women, trichomoniasis attacks the vagina, cervix or urethra. The factors favoring trichomoniasis in women are: the increased level of estrogens - during pregnancy or treatment with this hormone, the period after menstruation and the presence of other bacterial flora. Trichomoniasis leads to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, followed by the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria that determine the unpleasant smell of vaginal secretions. The flow is:

♦ acute in 8-10% of those infected with painful inflammation of the vulva and vagina, copious discharge and pain during intercourse.
♦ in most cases, it is subacute and is represented by a white or yellowish foamy secretion from the vagina with an unpleasant smell, accompanied by burning and itching.
♦ in 10-20% it can be asymptomatic and can be detected only during a prophylactic examination.
♦ In the chronic course of the infection, complications may occur that lead to sterility

Trichomoniasis in men:
♦ Acute urethritis occurs in only 5% of those infected and occurs with copious, yellowish, pus-like discharge from the urethra.
♦ More often it occurs subacutely with the classic morning drop, accompanied by mild itching, burning when urinating.
♦ In 25-30% of cases we are talking about asymptomatic carrier, but it is very important for transmitting the infection.

Sample required:

Secretion from the urethra, vagina, ejaculate or urine sediment


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