Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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14.50 BGN

General Information:

Testosterone is a steroid hormone.

  • In males, it is synthesized in the testicles' Leydig cells and relatively little in the adrenal cortex. Most of the testosterone is associated with transport proteins (SHBG). By testosterone action after prenatal gender differentiation, the testes, prostate and seminal vesicles mature; developing and maintaining male hair type; puberty gains growth; mature sperm are formed and separated. In addition, testosterone has common anabolic effects, increasing protein synthesis. In men, testosterone levels normally fall with age, decreasing in humans by 75 years to approximately 65% of those of young people. This fall is partly responsible for the physiological changes seen in older men. Low levels of testosterone are associated with decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle tone, increased fat in the blood, low bone density, atherosclerosis. Low testosterone levels are a risk factor for ischemic heart disease in men.

  • In women, circulating amounts of testosterone are synthesized by half of the ovaries and the adrenal cortex. Within physiological limits, androgens have specific effects on women. Low levels of testosterone are associated with a reduction in libido, and high - with increased body hair (hirsutism) or its combination with other features of a male-type structure such as voice stiffening, clitoral enlargement, mammary gland atrophy, and so on. (virilism).

Sample Required:

Venous blood in the morning in fasting


Testosterone, a steroid hormone, male, female

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