Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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20.00 BGN

General information:

Method for Quantitative Assessment of Beta-Cell Function and Insulin Resistance (IR) based on basal (fasting) glucose and insulin levels.

Insulin resistance is an important pathogenetic mechanism in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and is often observed years before the onset of diabetes in the context of the metabolic syndrome and its complications.


In women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fertility and menstrual disorders, there is also a reduction in insulin sensitivity.


A general assessment of insulin resistance is appropriate for:

  • Patients with hypertension
  • overweight (abdominal obesity)
  • fasting hyperglycaemia
  • dyslipidemias (high triglycerides, reduced HDL)
  • risk assessment for type 2 diabetes
  • patients with fertility and menstrual problems

 Although widely used to assess the risk of developing prediabetes and diabetes, there is no consensus on what values are considered normal. Each result should be interpreted according to the patient and their risk factors. However, the following values are considered as indicative norms for the first model:

  • Normal HOMA-IR < 2.5
  • Risk zone 2.5-5.0
  • High insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) >5.0

If desired, you can also get a result for the updated insulin resistance model in our laboratory. With it, in addition to the value of the insulin resistance index, you will also receive a result for %B and %C. Patients with a high index of insulin resistance will have a high %B (that is, the beta cells of the pancreas are overloaded with insulin production) and a low %C (tissues are not sensitive to high levels of insulin).


Blood is taken until 9:00 in the fasting period, it is advisable to take any food and drink after 12 hours of stopping. Patients are advised not to take 72 hours of alcohol before the study.
It is not performed in patients on insulin therapy.
Normal HOMA-IR <2.5
High Insulin Resistance HOMA-IR> 5.0

Key words:

HOMA index, insulin

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