Central Laboratory
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85.00 BGN

General information:

Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is a key hormone in the human body. Its role in maintaining balance of fluid, vascular tone and cardiovascular disease is important. Copeptin is a glycopeptide consisting of 39 amino acids and representing the C-terminal portion of an AVP-precursor (CT-proAVP). It is a stable and sensitive marker, a C-peptide analogue for insulin. Increased neurohormonal activation is one of the risks of a heart attack. Its main role is in the diagnosis of diabetes insipidus, sepsis and cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke). Increased plasma levels are one of the prognostic markers for myocardial infarction, mortality, and hospitalizations. According to many authors, copeptin may be subject to biomarker-targeting therapy with arginine vasopressin-antagonists in treating patients in everyday clinical practice.


Venous blood in the morning in fasting

 Key words:

ADH, Copeptin

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