Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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5.90 BGN

General information:

Reticulocytes are formed in the bone marrow. They are young erythrocytes - a transitional stage in the development of the red blood cell line - from oxyphilic erythroblast to mature erythrocyte. They can be determined manually - enumeration on a microscopic preparation, using a special subcutaneous staining.

Reticulocytes - provide information on the regenerative capacity of the bone marrow.

Increased values ​​are referred to as reticulocytosis and are a good prognostic marker in the treatment of anemic conditions (reticulocytic crisis).

Decreased values ​​are referred to as reticulocytopenia. It is an expression of poor regenerative ability of the bone marrow. Appears in anemia.


Venous blood in the morning in fasting, ONLY MONDAY AND THURSDAY

Key words:

Reticulocytes, bone marrow, anemia 


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