Prothrombin time, PT
General information:
Prothrombin time (PT) is one of the indicators of the state of the blood clotting system. This is the time at which a patient's plasma is clotted after the addition of the appropriate reagents. It measures in seconds, but the result can be expressed in several ways - seconds (sec.), Percentage (%), INR, etc. PT refers to the screening coagulation tests that allow the blood clotting properties to be assessed and in what direction (hypo- or hyper-cohesiveness).
Indications for PT research are:
- treatment with indirect anticoagulants (Sintrom et al.);
- bleeding tendency;
- thromboembolic diseases;
- DIC - Syndrome;
- impaired hepatic function;
- prior to invasive medical manipulations or operations;
- congenital deficiency of blood coagulation factors - haemophilia and others.
Sample required:
Venous blood
Key words:
Prothrombin time, PT, diseases