Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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75.00 BGN

General information:

Deficiency testing for this factor, most patients, is an inherited disease, but spontaneous mutations are possible.

Haemophilia B is manifested by a clinic of prolonged bleeding (muscles, joints, after small cuts, dental procedures, traumas.
There are several forms of Hemophilia B:

  • Light-may not be detected in early age, mild epitaxias and petechiae
  • Moderate-bleeding after traumas but not spontaneous
  • Severe-spontaneous, non-causal haemorrhages

In women with haemophiliacs in the family, pre-pregnancy research and consultation with a specialist is recommended.

Sample required:

Venous blood in the morning in fasting

Key words:

 Antihemophilic factor B, Christmas factor

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