Lactose Intolerance Test
General information:
Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the ability to degrade lactose is impaired. The reason is the lack of the enzyme lactase in the small intestine, which degrades lactose to galactose and glucose.
Lactose intolerance can be:
- congenital
- acquired (with age the enzyme decreases its activity)
- secondary / post-infection, surgery /
Sample required:
Venous blood in the morning in fasting
The test requires 4-fold blood collection (on toddlers) on the day of the study. Pre-parents call 052/647 227 to report the child's research and data (age, kilograms, which registry they will visit). This is necessary to prepare the individually specified amount of lactose to be given to the child. If the treating physician has written the amount, please report it. On the day of the study, the child should not eat. Measurement is performed at 0.30, 60 and 120 minutes. Prepare for this unpleasant event and the time it takes for it. Carry a book, a toy, promise a reward. Prepare a small bottle of mineral water in each case.
Key words:
Test, lactose, glucose, diabetes, enzyme