Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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General information:

In our fast everyday life, we do not pay attention to the food we consume - we and our children. When it is not suitable, it can be the reason for the development of the so-called food intolerance. The passage of certain protein molecules from food through the intestinal tract can provoke the immune system. Antibodies of the IgG class are formed. This may be the cause of unexplained symptoms.

Food Xplorer (FOX) is a semi-quantitative in-vitro diagnostic test for the determination of specific immunoglobulins of the IgG class directed against certain foods.

Included are 286 food antigens from various food groups: milk, eggs, meat, fish, seafood, grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables, spices, edible mushrooms, coffee, tea, and more.

The test is suitable for children and adults who feel unwell after consuming certain foods and drinks. Common symptoms can be: fatigue, headache, tiredness, bloating, gas, colic, skin problems, lowered immunity, impaired metabolism, etc.

The FOX panel can help to prepare a suitable diet. Timely and correct stopping or limiting the consumption of certain foods and drinks would help to reduce the feeling of discomfort and prevent the development of related symptoms.

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